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29th May 2024

One of the best sci-fi movies of the past 15 years is getting a surprise sequel

Stephen Porzio

If you’ve never seen the original, we highly recommend seeking it out.

It has been announced that the 2013 cult sci-fi psychological thriller movie classic Coherence is getting a surprise sequel over a decade later.

For those not aware of the original, the US indie flick – made for around a reported $50,000 – revolves around eight friends who gather for a dinner party on the same night a rare comet is passing close by.

When a power outage and a bunch of other strange phenomena occur, the group slowly begins to realise that the comet may have altered their reality.

Boasting an 88% Rotten Tomatoes score, Coherence is the type of sci-fi that turns its budgetary limitations into a strength – using its inventive premise to explore what it would really be like if a gang of ordinary people were confronted with out-of-this-world events.

It’s this, and probably the fact that the movie was exploring the idea of multiverses way before it was en vogue, that has led to the film attracting a devout following over the decade since its release via word-of-mouth recommendations.

And now Deadline reports that Coherence’s writer-director James Ward Byrkit and his co-writer Alex Manugian are working on a sequel.

The outlet states that it is unclear where the follow-up will be a conventional sequel, a prequel or a different story set in the same world.

However, Byrkit told Deadline: “I’ve been inundated with pitches for sequels and offers for remakes ever since the film came out but nothing ever inspired us until [It’s What’s Inside producer] Kate Andrews sent me an email with two words that unlocked the box.

“So either Kate’s a genius or she’s from a parallel reality where Alex and I already wrote this and she’s pitching us our own movie.”

For those wanting to check out Coherence in Ireland, it is available to watch on the free streaming service Plex and is also available to rent on Apple TV+ for 99c.

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