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14th Jun 2024

People are only just discovering they’ve been opening Haribo packets wrong

Ryan Price

This way makes so much more sense.

A new viral TikTok has shown Haribo lovers that they have been opening packets wrong for years.

The video, which was shared by Pubity on Instagram, shows someone gripping the bag from the middle and slowly pulling the plastic down through the centre, allowing easy access to the delicious sweets inside.

Even more mindblowing, however, is the way in which the person in the video then uses the tear in the bag to seal it.

The loop, swoop and pull technique secures the contents of the bag very securely, ensuring that none of your cola bottles or gummy bears fall out onto the floor.

Haribo UK & Ireland commented on the video, calling the clever technique “the ultimate hack you never knew you needed”.

One other user commented: “It once took me almost 15 minutes to open a packet of haribos… this is life-changing.”

Other people weren’t as easily convinced that the hack would genuinely work.

User @dannieclmadsen wrote: “I feel like this is a terrible idea,” while @bigtrav007 commented: “Just tried this and now half the bags on the floor.”

Others poked fun at the hack, writing: “You could also just…roll it upcause they’ll be finished within the hour”

Another person commented: “As a recovering sweetaholic I never saved my haribos for later. Lol.”

Maybe that user would be thrilled to hear that a fitness expert actually recommended eating gummy bears after a workout.

Dr. Jim Stoppani is an exercise physiologist who counts The Rock, LL Cool J and a vast number of fitness personalities among his previous clientele.

You might assume someone of his standing would be a proponent of a highly-strict ‘clean eating’ diet plan, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Stoppani likes to eat sweets post-workout, and is encouraging others to do the same.

In a video posted to his Instagram page, Stoppani said: “Following a workout, there’s nothing I look forward to more than recovering with a handful of gummy bears.

“The best, the fastest and the most complete muscle recovery occurs when you consume carbs immediately after you train in the same form as your blood sugar (glucose). It’s often listed on food packages as dextrose.”

He highlighted the Haribo brand in particular as being the most effective.

“If I specifically recommend Haribo gummies, it’s because they use more glucose and dextrose and less fructose,” he added.

“Fructose is problematic because it’s not even in the same form as glucose. Your body has to convert it to glucose. This takes far too long after exercise to provide any recovery benefits.”

So, there you go. Next time you’re getting your post-workout fix of Haribo, give the new packet-opening trick a shot.

Related Links:

Celebrity trainer explains why you should eat gummy bears after a workout

The definitive ranking of Haribo Starmix jellies from worst to best

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