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27th Jun 2024

British public shocked by real values of their cars

Callum Boyle


Logo Partner

‘I’m rich’

After your home, cars are often the most expensive item you own. Despite this, 41%* of Brits don’t know how much their car is worth.

Motorway teamed up with JOE to hit the streets and ask the British public to see if they truly knew how much their cars were worth.

By using the Motorway website, the public simply typed in their registration number to find out the valuation in seconds.

One person estimated their car would be worth £15,000 only to find out that it was in fact worth more than £20,000.

“I’m shocked, very bloody shocked. I can’t believe that,” claimed the customer.

“Oh I’m rich,” joked another.

“I didn’t expect over £9,000,” said a third.

In fact, everybody we asked undervalued their car, showing how much extra money you could be missing out on if don’t sell your car the more money way.

You can maximise your car’s value and get more money this year with Motorway’s fast, easy, and free car selling tools. 84% of cars sold for more than market price. Once we surprised the public with what they could get for their car on Motorway we asked them what they would spend their money on?

“I’d say holiday definitely,” revealed one customer.

A second said: “I would actually go and buy a bigger house.

“I’m actually looking to move to London at the minute so I could probably go and put a deposit on a flat.”

A fourth joked: “I’d have to spend it on my three kids otherwise I don’t think I’d hear the end of it.”

Motorway will also make life even easier for you by collecting your car for free, saving you the hassle of dropping it off and having to find your way home.

To get started selling your car the more money way, check out this free car value checker down below

* Results taken from a Motorway survey in January, 2023.

