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18th Jun 2024

Cat Deeley apologises for insensitive seizure joke on This Morning

Niamh Ryan

Cat Deeley, presenter for This Morning, has apologised for joking about having a seizure on Monday’s show

Deeley’s joke was not received well by viewers, leading to an immediate apology the following morning.

Co-host Ben Shephard asked Deeley if she was okay after she started dancing, to which she responded “I’m fine, I’m just having a seizure.”

The Epilepsy Society charity wrote about their disappointment on X: “Seizures are no laughing matter for people with #epilepsy @catdeeley. Please do better and educate yourselves about this difficult and poorly understood condition, @thismorning.”

The next day, Deeley began the show by addressing the situation, saying she mean to “cause any upset to anybody.”

Both Deeley and Shephard said it would never be their intention to upset anyone.

After the apology, Chief Executive of the Epilepsy Society, Clare Pelham issued a statement:

“I would like to thank Cat Deeley for her apology on This Morning. We understand that it is difficult on live TV for every remark to be well-chosen and well-expressed.”

Pelham said this mistake will give the people at This Morning a chance to learn from their mistakes and raise awareness about the challenges of living with epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a brain condition that causes frequent and unprovoked seizures. The seizures affect the normal activity of the brain.

It can start at any age, but is typically common in children and adults over 60.