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26th Jun 2024

Details of harrowing Holly Willoughby kidnapping plot revealed as trial gets underway

Niamh Ryan

An Essex security guard has been accused of plotting to kidnap, rape, and murder former This Morning presenter Holly Willoughby.

Gavin Plumb, 37, was arrested last October for plotting to attack Holly Willoughby, after revealing the plan to an undercover US police officer.

According to Police Detective Constable Will Belsham, Plumb had millions of pictures on his phone of female celebrities.

He added that investigators had found a Google search on Plumb’s phone for “How to meet people who plan to kidnap celebrities?”

The jury was then shown text message threads between Plumb and a man called Marc, who is believed to be in Ireland.

Marc told Plumb that he had been sent to prison for stalking, and fantasised about raping television personalities.

The court read graphic exchanges between the two men, including Plumb’s with to attack Willoughby:

“I’ve wanted this for years. I’m going to be living out my ultimate fantasy,” Sky News reports.

Continuing, he said “I’m actually looking forward to doing it. I’m at the point where I don’t care about the risks or consequences.”

The 37-year-old had already begun assembling a ‘kidnap kit’, and had purchased a blindfold, handcuffs and two bottles of chloroform online.

Plumb has previous convictions for attempted kidnapping and allegedly tried to recruit other men to carry out the attack on Willoughby.

Also found in his phone were messages about his plan to use chloroform on her before the abduction. He also planned to slit her throat.

However, Plumb pleaded not guilty and denies all charges of soliciting murder, incitement to kidnap, and incitement to rape.

The trial is currently ongoing.