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28th Jun 2024

Fresh details come out about the two men Jay Slater was with on the night before he disappeared

Ryan Price

The pair returned to the UK shortly after the 19-year-old disappeared.

New information has emerged about the two British men who Jay Slater reportedly spent the early hours of Monday 17 June with.

The teenager from Lancashire met the unidentified pair at the NRG music festival and, instead of returning to the holiday resort Los Cristianos where he had been staying with friend Lucy Mae Law, spent the remainder of that Sunday night and Monday morning with the two strangers at an Airbnb in the village of Masca.

At around 8am that morning, a local named Ophelia Medina Hernandez encountered a dazed-looking British teenager, believed to be Jay, standing beside the bus stop next to her home in Tenerife.

Jay managed to communicate to her that he wanted to know the time of the next bus to Los Cristianos, about 25 miles away.

Struggling with her broken English, she managed to signal to him that it was not due for two hours, at 10am. Rather than wait, he decided to embark on an 11-hour-walk back to where he was staying.

“People don’t get lost here,” she said.

“There are paths everywhere,” she added. “People round here don’t get lost. And he was going along the road. But after that I don’t know where he went. He was walking normally but a bit quickly.”


That was the last time anyone saw the apprentice bricklayer.

A day later, after being questioned by local police, the two men Jay had spent the better part of his night with had boarded a flight back to the UK.

Lucy Mae Law described the two men as ‘black and British’ to MailOnline, and said that the house Jay had been staying in before he vanished was rented out by the two men.

It’s also been reported that the men are believed to be in their late 30s or early 40s.

One of the men is known by friends as ‘Johnny Vegas’ and Spanish police confirmed they had the names and passport details of both men.

Former British detective, Mr Williams-Thomas, who is working with the family, has said that he has a picture of one of the men which he will release if they do not come forward.

He said: “The family are desperate for these men to come forward as witnesses. They are not currently assisting.

“The group sat outside on the wall outside the club after the night ended. What we don’t know is why he went with them.”

Another source claimed that they posted a Snapchat image of themselves back at Gatwick Airport on Tuesday 18 June.

Tenerife police have made an appeal for volunteers to join in a ‘large-scale search’ for the missing British teenager Jay Slater on Saturday at 9am.

Jay Slater’s family and friends have shared this poster. On the right handside is his last known location, according to his phone.

In a statement, local police said: “The Guardia Civil prepares and coordinates a large search to find the young British man missing in the village of Masca.

“The collaboration of all those Volunteer Associations is requested: civil Protection, firefighters, etc., and even private volunteers who are experts in the abrupt search terrain.

“The massive search will be carried out on Saturday, 29 June from 9am,” they added.

“Bearing in mind that this is an abrupt, rocky area, full of unevenness and with a multitude of ravines, paths and roads, the collaboration of all those Associations of Volunteers who can help in this raid that is intended to be carried out in a directed and coordinated manner is requested.”