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30th May 2024

How I Met Your Mother actor caught fleeing country after allegedly stabbing ex-girlfriend

Ryan Price

The 34-year-old reportedly broke into her home and attacked her.

An actor who appeared in How I Met Your Mother has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly stabbing his former girlfriend at her home in California.

Nick Pasqual was detained at a U.S./Mexico border checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas on Wednesday, May 29, nearly a week after fleeing the scene of the crime.

Allie Shehorn, who had a restraining order in place against Pasqual, suffered multiple slashes to her neck along with cuts to her arms and abdomen in the early hours of May 23rd.

The restraining order alleges Pasqual attacked her multiple times, using a belt, breaking down doors, leaving her with a concussion and raping and choking her.

According to reports from PEOPLE, Pasqual broke into the award-winning make-up artist’s home at 4:30am and “inflicted great bodily injury upon the victim under circumstances involving domestic violence” and “personally used a knife during the commission of the crime.”

A press release form the LA County District Attorney revealed that Pasqual was being transported to Los Angeles County and is being charged with one count of attempted murder, one count of first-degree residential burglary with person present, and one count of injuring a spouse, cohabitant, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend or child’s parent.

The case is being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department, and if convicted as charged, the maximum sentence is life in state prison.

“My thoughts and heartfelt sympathies are with the victim in this horrific incident,” District Attorney Gascón said.

“Our office, including our Bureau of Victim Services, extends our support and resources to her as she embarks on the long and difficult journey of healing from both the physical and emotional trauma inflicted upon her.

“This heinous incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of domestic violence. We will ensure that the individual responsible for this egregious act is held accountable for their actions.”

A GoFundMe page has since been set up to help Shehorn’s family cover her medical costs.


Shehorn was in intensive care for several days, but as of Tuesday, May 28, she was released and taken to a different part of the hospital.

A statement on the GoFundMe page reads: “Dear Friends and Supporters,

“I come to you today with a heavy heart and a plea for help for someone very dear to me, my friend Allie. Recently, she faced a horrific and senseless act of violence – she was stabbed multiple times by her ex boyfriend. As a result, Allie is now in the hospital fighting for her life, in critical condition.

“Allie is a remarkable person, full of warmth, kindness, and love. No one deserves to endure such a traumatic experience, especially someone as compassionate and caring as Allie. The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but with your support, we can help ease her burden and provide the financial assistance she desperately needs.”

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