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29th Jun 2024

Jay Slater’s friend says he saw him ‘slip on rocks’ during final video call before disappearance

Ryan Price

The 19-year-old has been missing since June 17.

A friend of Jay Slater’s has revealed that he video called him on the morning that he went missing, and that he witnessed him slip on some rocks and go “off the road” during their conversation.

Brad Hargreaves, who attended the NRG music festival with Jay and Lucy Mae Law on the weekend he disappeared, appeared on ITV’s This Morning to disclose details of his last chat with his friend.

Jay failed to return to the accommodation he shared with Lucy and Brad in the town of Los Cristianos, after the festival had ended in the early hours of Monday 17 June.

Instead he went to an Airbnb in the remote village of Masca on the north-west of the island with two other British men he had befriended at the electronic dance music event.

This was a 40-minute drive away from his accommodation.

He was last heard from at around 08:00 BST on Monday when he phoned his friend Lucy, telling her he had missed a bus and had tried to walk the 10-hour journey but was lost.

He said he needed water and only had one per cent battery left on his phone.

His phone then cut off, and his last known location was shown as the national park.

Now, Brad has revealed that he also spoke to Jay around the same time that morning, and described the conversation to This Morning presenter Isla Traquair.

“He was on the phone and he goes, ‘I’m not walking down all around that road’, and he’s gone over like a little… not a big drop but a tiny little drop going down there. He goes I’ll ring you back, I’ll ring you back. I think someone else was ringing him.

“Thinking like me, he would have went back up and started walking around the path again, he wouldn’t have gone all that way down there.

The reporter then asked him: “And you said you could see his feet and he was actually sort of sliding down the hill, you could hear the rocks?”

Brad replied: “Yeah that’s how I knew he went off the road because, you know when you walk on gravel, or whatever it is, you can… you know what I mean, stones.”

Traquair then asked the young man whether or not he felt concerned for Jay at that time.

“Not at the time because we were both, like, laughing about it,” Brad said. “He said: ‘Look where I am’. He didn’t seem concerned on the phone until we knew how far away he were.

“I said, ‘Put your location on.’ He said, ’15 minute drive, fourteen-hour walk.’ I don’t know if it’s accurate or not so I said to him: ‘It’s only a 15-minute drive, get a taxi.”

Local police in Tenerife called on volunteers to assist in a wide-scale search today.

In a statement, they said: “The Guardia Civil prepares and coordinates a large search to find the young British man missing in the village of Masca.

“The collaboration of all those Volunteer Associations is requested: civil Protection, firefighters, etc., and even private volunteers who are experts in the abrupt search terrain.

“The massive search will be carried out on Saturday, 29 June from 9am,” they added.

“Bearing in mind that this is an abrupt, rocky area, full of unevenness and with a multitude of ravines, paths and roads, the collaboration of all those Associations of Volunteers who can help in this raid that is intended to be carried out in a directed and coordinated manner is requested.”