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15th May 2017

The guy who mooned everyone at Eurovision is facing a severe punishment

He's not laughing now

Rory Cashin

If you’re going to be a bit of a prankster and show your butt to the whole world, maybe Ukraine isn’t the place to do it.

In case you missed it, during the Eurovision final, Ukrainian “humourist” Vitalii Seduik got up on stage during the previous year’s winner’s performance, danced about the place in an Australian flag, and then mooned the entire audience, including a potential audience of around one hundred million watching at home.

Of course, the Australian flag led everyone to believe he was from Australia.

The guy has previous.

He stormed the stage while Adele accepted an award at the 2013 Grammys. He kissed Will Smith on the red carpet of Men in Black 3 (and was then slapped across the face by him.

He also dove head first into Brad Pitt’s crotch at the Maleficent premiere, which resulted in him spending 30 days in prison.

Seduik clearly hasn’t learned his lesson, and has reportedly been detained for 72 hours since the events at the Eurovision. He now faces charges of hooliganism and five years in prison.

The Ukrainian interior minister took to Facebook to tell the world just how much trouble Seduik is in, and warned him not to repeat his antics in prison.

“This is a disgrace to the country, he will be able to exercise their “hobby” in a prison cell temporary holding facility. Really, show your ass out there, enjoying your companions. I wouldn’t recommend it.”