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04th Oct 2016

This brilliant 5-year-old has given PM Theresa May an absolute bollocking

Brooke Blair for Prime Minister...

Ben Kenyon

Who said young people are apathetic towards politics?

Five-year-old Brooke Blair certainly isn’t, that’s for sure.

She might not be old enough to vote but she’s certainly not shied away from telling the Prime Minister Theresa May exactly what she thinks.

Brooke has given the new PM an absolute roasting about the plight of homelessness in Britain in this brilliant minute-long video which has gone viral on Facebook.

“My name is Brooke Blair and I’m five years old. I’ve got something to say to you, Theresa May,” she says.

“Yesterday night I was out on the streets and I saw hundreds and millions of homeless people. I saw one with floppy ears, I saw loads. You should be out there, Theresa May, you should be … biscuits, hot chocolate, sandwiches, building houses.

“Look, I’m only five years old, there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m saving up money and there’ll never be enough. You’ve got the pot of money, spend some and help people. That’s what you’ve got to do, because we’ve had lots of wars in this country and I do not like that, Theresa May. I’m very angry.”

Already the video, which was posted online by her mum Holly Matthews,  has clocked up around a million views on Facebook and thousands more on YouTube.

Ms Matthews explained in a blog post how Brooke had become a surprise campaigner for the homeless.

‘So Brooke has been upset by homelessness for a long time and always makes an effort to give money, and say hello to people living on the street.

You see children have a natural feeling for what’s right an whats wrong, they know it instinctively. When she saw homeless people, she asked me why they didn’t have a home.

I explained there are many reasons, and we talked through a few (in a child friendly way of course.) Brooke then asked why I couldn’t buy them all houses, to which I explained that I wouldn’t have enough money to do that.

She asked (logically) “Well who does? Who’s in charge? The Queen?”

I explained we have a prime minister and she asked their name.

From there she has had a major bee in her bonnet. She and her younger sister are saving any money they get, to buy presents for homeless people at Christmas this year. They even sold a slice of birthday cake they got to their Dad for 50p to put in their pot.

Children see the world very black and white, no nuanced bits and actually they cut through the crap. It’s refreshing.

This country is RICH, we have the money to all have a decent standard of living, its gross that we have people unable to have a roof over their heads and if my 5 year old daughter can see that, then so should the divs in charge.’

If the Labour Party ever want a firebrand new leader, they could do a lot worse than Brooke. Well played.

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