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23rd Jun 2024

Risk of death warnings issued as UK set to reach temperatures of 30C

Ryan Price

The warm weather comes with a health and safety risk.

Both the Met Office and UK Health Security Agency have warned of an increased risk of death among vulnerable people as temperatures are set to rocket over the coming days.

The Met Office has stated that the country will experience the “highest temperatures so far this year” between Monday and Thursday, while the UKHSA has issued a yellow weather warning, indicating that the extreme weather conditions could pose a risk to people’s health.

Deputy Chief Meteorologist for the Met Office, Dan Rudman, said: “After a brief, less settled interlude today and tomorrow, fine conditions will return by Sunday and into the beginning of next week. For much of the UK this will be accompanied by a boost in temperatures with many places reaching the mid-20°Cs. 

“Some central and southern areas are likely to see temperatures approaching the values needed for heatwave conditions. Heatwave conditions need to remain in situ for three consecutive days, and by the beginning to middle of next week it is possible that some parts of the UK could be reaching heatwave thresholds.”

Scotland and Northern Ireland are expected to see their warmest weather on Monday, with highs of 24 to 26C, before cloudier and cooler weather arrives from the west on Tuesday.

But in England and Wales the heat is expected to be longer-lasting, with midweek temperatures of 28 or 29C likely in the South East – accompanied by plenty of strong sunshine.

It is possible that some areas might reach the Met Office’s official heatwave criteria. The nights will also be warmer and more humid than we have been used to lately.

While many will be keen to get out in the open while the sun is shining, people are being urged to wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water and seek shade when possible.

Samantha Hughes, National Water Safety Partner at the RNLI said: “The forecasted warm weather will mean we’ll see more visitors at the coast and we always want people to enjoy themselves safely.

“Entering the water during warm weather can increase the risk of cold water shock due to the sudden changes in skin temperatures,” she added.

“Enter the water gradually and avoid jumping or diving straight in to reduce your risk of cold-water shock.

“If you’re planning on heading to the beach, we highly recommend you visit one that is lifeguarded and you swim between the red and yellow flags. This is the safest area and is most closely monitored by lifeguards.

“If you get into trouble in the water, Float to Live. Tilt your head back with ears submerged and try to relax and control your breathing. Use your hands to help you stay afloat and then call for help or swim to safety if you can.

“In an emergency at the coast, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard or ask for the fire service if you are near inland waters.”

The status yellow warning is in place for much of the country from 8am Monday morning (24th) through to 5pm Thursday evening (27th).

Their website states that “minor impacts are probable across the health and social care sector, including increased use of healthcare services by the vulnerable population, and an increase in risk of mortality amongst vulnerable individuals and increased potential for indoor environments to become very warm.

A reprieve will come in the form of widespread downpours on Thursday 27th June, with a potential for thunderstorms in some places.