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22nd Jun 2024

Tory MP receives ringing endorsement from badge-wearing MILF hunter

Jack Peat

tory mp for spalding sir john hayes

A day out in Spalding unearthed some interesting findings

A veteran MP standing in the safest Tory seat in the country received a ringing endorsement from a man sporting a ‘MILF hunter’ sticker on his mobility scooter during a News Agents broadcast.

Sir John Hayes will contest South Holland and the Deepings for the eighth time on July 4th after being handed a whopping majority in 2019.

The Eurosceptic MP took 75.9 per cent of the vote last time out, with second-placed Labour receiving just 13.2 per cent or 6,500 votes.

But he could have a job on his hands attracting similar numbers this time out, with the Conservative Party expected to suffer significant losses across the UK.

A poll published in The Telegraph this week suggests Rishi Sunak’s party could be left with as few as 53 seats, with the prime minister himself losing his seat in Richmond after taking it with a 63.6 per cent majority in 2019.

Taking to the streets of Spalding, The News Agents reporter Lewis Goodall looked to canvas people to garner a sense of how the town will be voting in July.

But he was closely tailed by Sir John, who ushered voters in his direction including one man who had ‘MILF hunter’ stickers on his mobility scooter.

Watch the full excruciating clip below:

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