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26th Jun 2024

Body language expert claims Gareth Southgate’s gestures ‘self-heckled’ as he spoke

Zoe Hodges

‘His body language was riddled with denial gestures’

Expert, Judi James, has told JOE that Gareth Southgate’s body language was ‘riddled with denial gestures’ after England’s goalless draw with Slovenia which saw them limp through to the knock-outs as group winners.

James analysed Southgate’s post-match interview for JOE in conjunction with jackpotjoy and said: “Southgate stood spinning mediocrity into a masterplan during his post-match interview last night, but his body language was riddled with denial gestures that ‘self-heckled’ his words as he spoke.”

England have been slammed by critics all across Europe after failing to produce the response fans demanded after their 1-1 draw with Denmark earlier in the group stage.

James not only criticised the England boss’ behaviour in the interview but was critical of his actions at the full-time whistle when he went over to the supporters to applaud them.

She said:  “His performative body language rituals aimed at the fans after the 0 – 0 result were equally baffling. Walking up towards the booing, baying crowds he insisted on standing clapping them and even did a double thumbs-up gesture at one point as though to signal that all is well.

“He clearly wanted to align himself with them but using clapping as an affirmative ‘thank you’ bonding gesture when cups were raining down and boos ringing out was a Canute-like show of bravado that risked looking like he was mocking their frustration and grief.

“This stoic-looking ritual of not reading the room was made even more confusing thanks to his total lack of bravado, resilience, optimism and conviction signals during his post-match interview, where some ‘thumbs-up’ bravado might have suggested he is still the man with a plan.”

A number of pundits both at home and away have called out Southgate for ‘lacking a plan’ with German pundit, Christoph Kramer telling broadcaster ZDF: “You can tell by his facial expressions and his gestures. Southgate can’t possibly have a plan in his head!”

James continued her assessment of his post-match interview which had fans falling about laughing at some of his statements: “His brows flew up to suggest, openness although when he said ‘I thought we were much improved’ his eyes fell to the side in a gesture of denial and a cheek-twitch hinted he was keeping his real feelings in check.

“All his verbal ‘positives’ came with incongruent non-verbal, self-heckling signals.”

Despite the heat Southgate and his men are taking from fans and pundits alike, they topped the group meaning they avoid having to face the likes of France, Spain, Germany and Portugal until the final, should they get that far.


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