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13th Dec 2016

Watch this Brazilian player pull off the most casual nutmeg ever


Tom Victor

Most people would not have even tried this. Most people are not Fabrício.

The Palmeiras man – currently on loan at the club from Internacional – was reportedly once booed by his own fans during his spell in Porto Alegre.

And if this audacious piece of skill is a sign of his character, we can see why he might ruffle a few feathers.

The Brazilian, who can play in defence or midfield, pulled off a rolled nutmeg at walking pace. Let us say that again. A rolled nutmeg at walking pace.

Not sure how that could possibly work? Here’s your explanation.

Just look at the defender afterwards. He knows he’s been outsmarted, but how? Where is he? What’s his name? What just happened?

And that’s before we look at his teammate, who seemed to know what was coming, only to leave the Palmeiras man to it and watch on. Sometimes you can’t bring yourself to interfere with genius.

We won’t provide the names of the Vitória defenders concerned, as we imagine they’ll want their identity to remain a secret, but we can tell you that Palmeiras – who were already Brazilian champions – won the game 2-1.

Catch up with this week’s episode of Football Friday Live